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Protesters demand the removal of Prime Minister Ariel Henry in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on September 7, 2022.

Political Economy

Why Haiti Must Follow the Current Political Lead of Francophone Africa

Haiti has suffered under western occupations and interference in its affairs. The people of that nation are struggling to break free from that domination and can look to mass movements in Francophone Africa.

There have been nine coups...



Political Economy

Haiti - Alternatives to US Sponsored Military Intervention

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) should be working with Haitians to resolve their country's problems. Instead, CARICOM works with the US and other…



Political Economy

The Battle for Water in Haiti’s Northeast

Haitians have no protection from their puppet government and are at the mercy of racist Dominican Republic policies, even within their own country.…



Protest in "Cancer Alley" Louisiana. (Photo: Julie Dermansky, DeSmog Blog)

Political Economy

Whiter than Green: How a Not So Secret Listserv Exercises white “Supremacy” Ideology In Lieu of Climate and Racial Justice

Liberalism impacts every movement in the U.S. and climate justice organizations are not exempt.



C.L. Dellums, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters president in 1968

Political Economy

Understanding the White Supremacy at the Center of the ‘Class Over Race’ Debate

Any talk of discussing class instead of racism is disingenuous in a country which uses every opportunity to indulge in anti-Black racism. The history…



Political Economy

BAR Book Forum: Celeste Winston’s Book “How to Lose the Hounds”

This week’s featured author is Celeste Winston.



Political Economy

Dilemmas of Humanity Conference in the US Outlines Principle Task: Organize a Working Class Movement to Defeat the Empire

Socialists, organizers, and working class leaders in the United States describe the challenges the movement faces, and what is to be done to overcome…



Getty Images Michael Oher’s story of exploitation is even worse than the white savior narrative presented by Hollywood.

Political Economy

Yes! An NFL Player Can Be Exploited

When sports columnist William C. Rhoden authored his book “Forty Million Dollar Slaves: The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of the Black Athlete” in 2006, I was among many who pushed back at the mere thought that today’s...



Political Economy

Capitalist Greed and Imperialist Policies Fuel New York's Migrant Housing Crisis

The migrant crisis in New York City is a multifaceted issue, rooted in a complex interplay of domestic and international politics and policies. A critical factor in this crisis is the availability of affordable housing, a topic that has been...



Political Economy

Hotel Workers Strike Against Scab Staffing App and Anti-Black Racism

A hotel workers strike in California exposes anti-Black hiring practices, and the predation of the "gig" economy.

Originally published in Labor Notes.

When Thomas Bradley showed up for his third shift at Laguna Cliffs...



Political Economy

"Booming" Economy Means More Bad Jobs and Faster Race to the Bottom

For the past 30 years, no matter which party has been in power, the US economy has produced more and more “bad” jobs – because the Race to the Bottom is ruling class policy.

Originally published in Black Agenda...



Political Economy

The U.S. Plot to Finalize the Theft of Venezuela’s Oil

The U.S. has used its influence to steal another country’s oil revenues. Venezuela is in the crosshairs because it dares to be socialist in the hemisphere the U.S. claims as it’s “backyard.”

It was always about...



Political Economy

Stop the Dominican Government's Violence and Racist Lies Against Haitian Pregnant Women

The Dominican Republic’s racist President is once again scapegoating Haitians and Dominicans of Haitian descent for his government’s terrible economic policies. This time, his target is poor pregnant women. 




Political Economy

Stop the Dominican Government's Violence and Racist Lies Against Haitian Pregnant Women

The Dominican Republic’s racist President is once again scapegoating Haitians and Dominicans of Haitian descent for his government’s terrible economic policies. This time, his target is poor pregnant women. 




Political Economy

US Legally Owes Nicaragua Reparations, But Still Refuses to Honor 1986 International Court of Justice Ruling

37 years after a 1986 International Court of Justice ruling, the United States still refuses to pay Nicaragua the reparations it legally owes. Today, the Nicaraguan government is demanding that the United Nations take action.




Political Economy

Tesla: The Cars That Racism Built? Black Workers Claim Lawsuits Have Not Stopped Discrimination

Multi-billionaire Elon Musk claims to practice freedom of expression on his Twitter platform. But numerous complaints of anti-Black racism at his Tesla plant make a mockery of any claims of freedom and tolerance.

Originally published...



Political Economy

Canadian Looting of Zambian Resources Led to Debt Crisis

While a geopolitical tussle between Washington and Beijing over Zambia’s debt default has received significant international attention, Canada’s contribution has been largely ignored.

“China is ‘barrier’ to...



Political Economy

What To the Exploited Working Class and Poor in a Capitalist Dictatorship Is the Fourth of July?

The 4th of July celebration is a relic of American exceptionalist ideology. There is very little independence in a capitalist dictatorship.

Here’s a little Fourth of July Critical Race and Labor History for you: On July...



Political Economy

Super (Maxed Out): The Demise of Alabama Prisons

In Alabama Covid funds are used for prison construction, opportunities for the incarcerated to be released have been eliminated, and violence is…



Political Economy

Canadian Looting of Zambian Resources Led to Debt Crisis

Canadian mining interests looted Zambia of its assets and created that nation's debt crisis.




Political Economy

Finding Your Whiteness in a Time of Crisis: The Reeducation of Norman Finkelstein

Norman Finkelstein was a highly respected academic, but his latest book is a racist "544-page temper tantrum." 

Norman Finkelstein first crossed my radar nearly 20 years ago, if memory serves, when a Stanford University...



Poisoning America for Profit: A Brief History of Norfolk Southern’s Greed

Political Economy

Poisoning America for Profit: A Brief History of Norfolk Southern’s Greed

Norfolk Southern and other railroads have increased profits while cutting their workforce and lobbying against safety regulations.



The Abuse of the Concept of “Populism”

Political Economy

The Abuse of the Concept of “Populism”

What is populism? The word is often used by corporate media but without any analysis of its true meaning.



Political Economy

The Movement Sorely Misses Glen Ford

Remembering Glen Ford and all that he taught us.



Political Economy

Don’t Get Paranoid About Infiltrators

At a Left Forum panel on “Infiltration and Cooptation of the Left,” veteran activist Kevin Zeese, of Popular Resistance, said a “security culture” to identity agents of the state is “useful” to movement...



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